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American Muslim investors to donate $5.6 million to charity in Ramadan

Falls Church, Virginia, June 6, 2018 – Azzad Asset Management, a socially responsible, faith-based registered investment advisor, announced today that its Muslim clients are expected to donate approximately $5.6 million to charity during the holy month of Ramadan. The figure is the highest since Azzad began providing this calculation in 2005. In a statement, Azzad said: […]

SEC initiatives that could affect financial advisors

On April 12, 2018, our chief compliance officer (CCO), Ms. Manal Fouz, attended the Compliance Outreach Program in Washington, D.C., sponsored by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The conference is designed to promote better communication between securities regulators and compliance officers. A limited number of CCOs from registered investment advisory firms nationwide are […]

Azzad zakah workshop 2018

Questions answered include: On what kinds of assets should I pay zakah? Do I owe zakah on my 401(k) and IRAs? Should I calculate zakah the same way for real estate and rental properties? Can I deduct my mortgage and other debt before I pay zakah? Learn how to calculate zakah on modern assets following […]

Chevron shareholders vote on cutting business ties with genocide-complicit governments

Chevron shareholders voted today on a resolution to evaluate a policy of cutting business ties with governments engaged in genocide or crimes against humanity. Filed by seven socially responsible investing organizations, the proposal cites specifically the nation of Myanmar, whose military stands accused of committing atrocities against the Rohingya ethnic minority. Chevron is the largest […]

Portfolio manager spotlight: Kayne Anderson Rudnick Investment Management

Although the stocks of large companies like Amazon and Alphabet have been among the market leaders since last year, in recent months they’ve started to lose some of their luster. In their place, small company stocks have assumed the top spot for outsized performance. The reasons some of the market’s biggest returns have come from […]

Understanding Zakah

“They were enjoined only to worship God, sincere in their faith in Him alone—and of upright religion—and to establish prayer and to give zakah. Such is the upright religion. (Quran 98:5)

Does your toddler have a credit card?

Child identity theft

They shouldn’t. But a new report shows that children are a more lucrative target for identity thieves than adults. On average, fraudsters are able to steal $2,303 by exploiting the identity of a minor, which is more than twice the average amount for adult victims. That’s according to a new report from Javelin Strategy & […]

Are you paying fees on top of fees?

Would you be willing to give up 40% per year in investment return? While most people would balk at the thought of losing that much money, they may be doing so unknowingly if they’re paying both advisor fees and mutual fund fees. A no-frills investment advisor would likely charge around 1% per year (this figure […]

Stocks vs. real estate

A lot of folks contact us asking about buying real estate. “They’re not making any more of it. And it’s a hard asset,” they say. When we’re asked this question, we try to explain the advantages of owning stocks instead of or in addition to real estate. One way we do this is explaining how our […]

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