GCC nations, Islamic debt assets to receive billions as region diversifies from oil

Debt markets in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries have historically been unable to qualify for inclusion in emerging-market fixed income indexes or any other major fixed income index, which has resulted in lost investment in the region. But that’s all about to change. Next year, GCC countries are slated for inclusion in the prominent J.P. […]
Three RMD to-do’s before the end of the year
The end of the year is full of deadlines for your financial matters. Here are three of the most important to-do items when it comes to taking your required minimum distribution (RMD) from a retirement account. If you’re at least 70 years old and have a retirement account, you should read over this list and […]
Why you don’t need life insurance for your kids
Buying life insurance for kids is one of the big mistakes people make when it comes to their finances. Here’s the simple reason they don’t need it: they’re kids! One of the biggest reasons you buy life insurance is to replace income in case you aren’t around to produce it, especially if people you are […]