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Think twice before speculating on a COVID-19 cure
Headline-induced price swings suggest that investors are making investment decisions driven by hopes and fears, and possibly based on limited information. As hundreds of companies race to develop vaccines and drug therapies that could help end the COVID-19 pandemic, news reports on successful or failed trials affect individual stock prices and can trigger swings in […]
Azzad commends Alphabet stockholders for anti-censorship vote
Shareholder proposal asks Google parent to report on government requests to remove content FALLS CHURCH, Va., Jun 10, 2020 — Azzad Asset Management, a leading socially responsible investment firm, today praised Alphabet shareholders following a strong vote in favor of greater transparency at subsidiary Google. A shareholder resolution sponsored by Azzad and the Missionary Oblates of […]
The stock market and the economy are NOT the same thing
In April, the Dow Jones Industrial Average staged its best two-week performance since the 1930s, a dramatic rebound that illustrates a bizarre reality about the stock market these days: markets can go up even when the economic news is terrible. Dramatic rallies are a sign that many investors are positioning themselves for the United States […]
Why going 100% cash is stupid
Your investment portfolio is like a bar of soap. The more you touch it, the smaller it will get. Let’s be real: Some of our clients are skittish. Like many people, when they see negative headlines, their first instinct is to sell their stock holdings and head for the perceived safety of cash. This is […]