Message from our CEO (excerpted from April 2020 newsletter)

” … Sufficient for us is Allah, and the best Disposer of affairs.” – Surah Al-Imran 3:173

“None (among the believers) remains patient in a land in which plague has broken out and considers that nothing will befall him except what Allah has ordained for him, but that Allah will grant him a reward similar to that of a martyr.” – Prophet Muhammad, Sahih Al Bukhari, Book of Medicine

I hope that you and your loved ones are safe and sound as we all navigate the uncharted waters presented by the novel coronavirus. Our hearts go out to all of those impacted, and we wish the best for you and your families.

I don’t need to remind you that faith guides our business here at Azzad–and that’s never been more true than it is today. There’s no better time to rely on God and trust in Him than during these trying moments. In fact, I know that many of our clients have reconnected with Him as a result of today’s tribulations. Faith, not fear, will get us through this.

As frightening as this public health crisis is, it is also an important reminder of the importance of our line of business, helping small businesses and individuals take care of their finances, providing the guidance they need to lead productive lives and to give back to society. Yes, charity these days is all the more important considering the vast numbers of people thrown off the payrolls.

Our Sacred Law mandates the preservation of religion, life, family, dignity, and wealth. We view it as an honor to uphold the command to preserve wealth for our clients. That trust is something that we hold to be sacred. We understand the responsibility that comes with managing your hard-earned money. And we work diligently every day to go above and beyond expectations in order to fulfill it.

I just want to leave you with a final thought. As we approach the holy month of Ramadan, try not to lose sight of the bigger picture and remember that God is in control. This applies to your finances and everything else in life. Realizing this and then trusting Him with the outcome after we’ve done all that we can is true tawwakul, or reliance upon Him. This crisis is an opportunity to turn back to Him, renew our faith, and make investing an act of worship and a reminder of His ultimate control over our affairs. And there is no better trustee than Him.

Stay well.

Bashar Qasem, CSAA
President and CEO

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