Azzad clients get more than investments

financial advisory clientsWe’ve been talking at the office recently about how to explain to our clients the full range of what we at Azzad can do for them.

I’ve found that sometimes it’s easier to do this with a quick story, so I’d like to share with you a few snapshots of the types of clients we’ve helped over the years.

Mustafa and Rose, both physicians, were working long hours, barely keeping up with their expenses, paying a lot in taxes, feeling that they’d outgrown their CPA, and regretting that they couldn’t give as much in charity as they wished. When they became Azzad clients, we worked with them to create a long-term financial plan and helped them reduce their taxes with planned charitable giving, which also allowed them to donate more.

Faizan had a financial advisor at Merrill Lynch who told him they could keep his investments halal. At his request, we screened his Merrill portfolio for Shariah compliance; not only did his investments include income from alcohol and conventional banks (interest), but his advisor there was investing him in products that didn’t align with his risk tolerance and time horizon. After learning this, he chose to transfer his money to Azzad for his own peace of mind.

Nabila turned to us after her husband passed away suddenly and she was left with no income, having never handled money before. We helped her wisely invest the money her husband had left her so she wouldn’t have to sell her house to cover expenses for herself and her children. We continue to advise her on when to withdraw money to minimize taxes.

Arief and Fitri had just finished law school and found themselves making good money but not knowing what to do next. We helped set them on a solid financial path, teaching them about retirement planning and how to save for their kids, and encouraging them to be disciplined with their money. Today, we probably call them as often as their parents do!

That’s why we’re here — to serve as an experienced financial guide while our clients focus on living their lives.

Thank you to all our clients who continue to trust us with your hard-earned money. We never forget who we’re working for.

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