Azzad joins Investor Alliance for Human Rights

New initiative will press corporations to uphold human rights

Falls Church, Va., February 1, 2018 — Azzad Asset Management announced today that it has joined faith-based investing colleagues in an alliance to oppose rollbacks on regulations and to encourage policies for corporations that protect human rights.

Launched by the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, the Investor Alliance for Human Rights (IAHR) provides a platform for collective action to protect human rights in the United States and internationally. The consortium participates in a range of investor actions to help businesses protect human rights, including investor letters, corporate engagements, and discussions with businesses and non-governmental organizations.

The IAHR focuses on encouraging the business community to more fully implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which provide a global framework to help companies assess and address human rights risks in their operations and supply chains.

ICCR established the alliance to create an umbrella organization for the investment community to advocate more immediately, consistently, and strategically to protect human rights and to act as a deterrent against legislative and regulatory rollbacks.


This IAHR is supported by funding from Humanity United and Open Society Foundations. Participation in the alliance is open to all asset owners and managers in the global investment community, religiously motivated or not.


Azzad Asset Management, investment advisor to the Azzad Funds and sponsor of the Azzad Ethical Wrap Program, is committed to providing investment services designed to help people enjoy optimum performance without compromising their values. Azzad is a member of the Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment and the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility. The firm, based outside Washington, D.C., is a registered investment advisor.

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