Steps to take in a jittery market

It’s difficult (if not impossible) to say what stocks will do in the near term. And well-meaning investors who are trying to do the right thing by not being too hands-on with their portfolios (see this market timing article) can end up, inadvertently, with an investment mix that’s too risky, simply because they’ve been letting […]
Lessons from yield curve history

Stocks were under pressure for much of August as U.S.-China trade tensions escalated, with Washington and Beijing announcing escalating rounds of tariff increases. Worries over the economic outlook rose, highlighted by a Treasury rally that sank yields and resulted in an inversion of the main measure of the U.S. yield curve, with the 10-year yield […]
Market timing can cost you money
Over the past year and for periods of five, 10, 20 and 30 years, the average mutual fund investor has underperformed the markets for both stocks and bonds, according to research firm Dalbar. The Dalbar data leads to the inescapable conclusion that most investors are really terrible at investing. They panic and sell at the […]