The Importance of Putting Barakah in Our Finances

The Importance of Putting Barakah in Our Finances

As we kick off the new year, let’s all remember the importance of putting barakah in our finances. Scholars say that barakah generally means increase, growth, and happiness. It’s the establishment of divine goodness in something. Its origins can’t be sensed by people, and it can’t be outwardly quantified either. Something with barakah in it is called “mubarak”– it has an unexplainable increase and benefit in it from God.

Remember that God is the sole source of barakah in our lives, and He alone has the power to grant or withhold it. But barakah in anything, including our wealth, can change depending on our behavior. 

Here are five suggestions we should resolve to implement to increase the barakah in our wealth:

  • Earn a halal income from our work and our investments. Make sure the source of our wealth is wholesome and ethical.
  • Work with excellence (“ihsan“), being honest and loyal and not squandering time and resources. Nothing reduces barakah like cheating or deception.
  • Purify our intention to earn money for the sake of God, to provide for our family, and to be independent of others.
  • Avoid interest (“riba”) in all its forms 
  • Give thanks. God says in the Qur’an: “And if you give thanks [to Me, for what I have bestowed on you], I shall surely increase you.” (14:7). One way to give thanks is through charitable giving.

These are five things we can resolve to do right now. Don’t delay. 

May God put barakah in every aspect of our lives, including our wealth and our community.

Azzad Asset Management

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