How to make your portfolio “fracking-free”

How to make your portfolio “fracking-free”

As the 2016 presidential campaign gets into full swing, voters across the country have an opportunity to hear directly from the candidates on important issues. Neither of the two major political parties has taken a coherent, ethically rigorous stance on hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.” But there are other ways for the ecologically conscious to make their voices heard on this issue, including voting with their pocketbooks. Fracking, which involves using a highly pressurized mix of water, sand, and toxic chemicals to unlock oil and natural gas from shale rock buried miles underground, is recognized by experts as dangerous. Fracking can cause methane leaks (a greenhouse gas that’s much more harmful than carbon dioxide) and seismic activity and can set water ablaze. And if methane, flammable water, and earthquakes weren’t bad enough, other problems with fracking include excessive water consumption, waste management issues, and air pollution. Thanks to fracking, the United States is now the world’s leading producer of oil and natural gas, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). EIA estimates that total U.S. gas production from 2012 to 2040 will increase 56 percent, with natural gas from shale as the leading contributor. The shale gas share of total

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Azzad participates in 4th annual Responsible Investor conference

(Falls Church, Virginia, 10/22/14) – Azzad Asset Management, investment advisor to the Azzad Funds and sponsor of the Azzad Ethical Wrap Program, spoke at the 4th annual “ESG in Manager Selection and Monitoring” conference on October 21st. Held at the SUNY Global Center in New York City, the event brought together portfolio managers, analysts, investment officers, and others to discuss ESG (environmental, social, and governance) factors and their impact on asset management mandates and measurement. Azzad participated in a special session on faith-based investing, which offered insight into the role that religion can play in asset management, along with ways that different faith traditions incorporate the ESG factors of socially responsible investing (e.g., exclusionary screening of abortifacients by certain Christian investors). The faith-based investing session also included representatives from the Mennonite, Catholic, and United Church of Christ congregations. It was moderated by Sarah Greenberg of MSCI ESG Research. In addition to exploring criteria for screening out unethical investments, the panelists each discussed the impact of their methodology on investment performance. Azzad referenced its recent research offering evidence that Shariah-screened indices, which favor industries like information technology and health care and exclude financial services, can outperform their broad-based conventional counterparts over

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