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Financial planning in a nutshell

Financial planning in a nutshell

You may have noticed in last month’s newsletter that Azzad was named in Financial Advisor magazine’s 2019 RIA Ranking. It’s a premier industry ranking of investment advisors based on assets under management. Azzad moved up the list from last year, which is great news. More important than that, however, are the relationships that our advisors have with our clients. As a wealth management firm, we pride ourselves on taking the time to understand the unique needs of each client and crafting responsible, appropriate financial solutions. The way we do that is through the financial planning process. We’ve gotten some questions about it, so here’s a walk-through of our five-step program: 1) Identify goals: We start with listening and learning what is important to you and identifying and prioritizing your financial goals. At what age would you like to retire? Do you want to buy a home? 2) Collect financial data: We gather and organize your financial information such as assets, income and expenses. Figuring out your net worth (assets minus liabilities) get incorporated into your plan. 3) Put it all together: We develop recommendations to optimize your goals and meet with you to go over them. Unlike other advisors you

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