Global warming’s best friend: the megabank

Global warming’s best friend: the megabank

Most of us are aware of the existential threat that climate change poses to our species. The immediate impacts of a warmer planet range from melting polar ice caps to drought, famine, and extreme weather events globally. Google the phrase “Kiribati climate change” to read more about the people whose country is expected to be the first to disappear due to rising sea levels. If greenhouse gas emissions continue at their current pace, experts warn that widespread catastrophe looms by the beginning of the next century. The most notorious culprit in this drama is carbon dioxide (CO2). Most CO2 emissions come from the burning of fossil fuels. Thus, fossil fuel companies have been the target of a sustained divestment campaign by the socially responsible investment industry. While divestment is impactful, there is a critical but often overlooked driver of investment in the fossil fuel industry that has only now begun to get the collective attention of the environmentally conscious: big banks. Banks play an essential role in allocating financial resources for the private sector. They do this through their lending and investment operations. For example, coal-fired power plants, the nation’s top source of CO2 emissions, are costly to build, typically

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Azzad joins call to investigate ExxonMobil over climate change

FALLS CHURCH, VA, April 6, 2016 — Azzad Asset Management, investment advisor to the Azzad Funds, announced today that it has added its voice to a growing campaign to investigate whether Exxon Mobil Corp. intentionally misled the public and its shareholders about the risks of climate change. In April, a group of socially responsible investment managers, including Azzad, sent a letter to the United States Department of Justice calling for an investigation. It read in part: “Recent reports have shown that Exxon knew about the threat of climate change decades ago. Yet over the course of nearly forty years, the company has contributed millions of dollars to think tanks and politicians that have done their best to spread doubt and misinformation — first on the existence of climate change, then the extent of the problem, and now its cause. If Exxon intentionally misled the public about climate change and fossil fuels, then they should be held accountable. We are calling for an immediate investigation.” The letter from investment industry leaders follows recent action by state law enforcement officials to put pressure on the energy company. Last month, a coalition of attorneys general announced their support for New York Attorney General

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