Riba explained: Understanding ‘interest’ in Islamic finance

Riba explained: Understanding ‘interest’ in Islamic finance

What do we really mean when we use the Arabic term riba? The literal translation of the word is “increase, addition or growth,” though it is often translated as “usury.” English speakers typically understand usury as the charging of an exploitative interest rate. But riba refers to any excess value in transactions that our Sacred Law has prohibited. The prohibition of those transactions is determined with the aid of interpretation of the text of the Qur’an and Sunnah and through inferences and extension by qualified scholars of fiqh al-muamalat. There are two common types of riba recognized by almost all Muslim scholars: riba al-fadl and riba al-nasee’ah. The latter term, riba al-nasee’ah, is commonly referred to as compound interest. It is the most egregious type of riba in the marketplace. Riba al-fadl is called the riba of surplus. It refers to trading goods for one another in unequal amounts (e.g., gold, silver, wheat, barley, etc.). Some have said that Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) evicted the money changers from the Temple in Jerusalem for engaging in riba al-fadl. Jewish pilgrims arriving in Jerusalem were required to pay the Temple tax but preferred to use the half shekel since it

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Preparing your finances for Ramadan

This month, Muslims worldwide will embark on a personal journey of self discipline and spiritual renewal. They will abstain from food and drink, give charity to the needy and attempt to recite the Qur’an in its entirety before month’s end. In addition to these rituals, many will use the holy month of Ramadan as an opportunity to perform an overall assessment of their lives. As you perform your assessment, consider reviewing your relationship to money—specifically, how you invest it. Invest with faith The way we invest our money reflects our personal values. Although you may never consider smoking or drinking alcohol, your portfolio may be laden with such companies. So, identifying the companies that don’t align with your values is important. But that’s easier said than done. For example, the company Schweitzer-Mauduit International sounds harmless enough, right? Think again. They actually engineer a wide range of specialty paper, primarily for the tobacco industry. On a personal note, my father and father-in-law were heavy smokers who ultimately succumbed to cancer. I don’t want my money invested in anything related to the tobacco industry. You may also want to actively seek companies that support human rights and avoid those that don’t. A

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