Get out the (proxy) vote!

Get out the (proxy) vote!

With the 2016 elections still months away, the wall-to-wall media coverage may leave you itching to cast your vote early. Consider putting that energy to good use by making your voice heard on corporate issues. Today, corporations make most decisions of consequence in our society. As the owner or shareholder of a stock or shares of a mutual fund, you are part owner of a corporation. That means you have both rights and responsibilities. You have the right to sit with management, be an insider, and work for change through constructive activism. Part of that activism means understanding how your mutual fund company votes on matters pertaining to the individual companies they invest in. During corporate America’s “proxy season,” which is between April 15 and June 30 each year, most of America’s largest publicly traded corporations hold their annual meetings to vote on company business as well as various proposals introduced by shareholders, which appear on proxy ballots. Resolutions are voted on during a company’s annual meeting and often deal with issues of importance to values-conscious investors–like human rights issues. And it’s not necessary to be present to vote. Mutual fund companies vote proxy ballots in absentia on behalf of their investors.

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Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility welcomes 1st Islamic financial firm to its shareholder coalition

(New York, NY, 4/9/15) – Representatives from the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) and Azzad Asset Management announced today that Azzad will join ICCR as its newest member—the first Islamic firm to be affiliated with the group. As the premier member organization focused on corporate social responsibility and environmental advocacy, ICCR leverages the influence of its shareowner members to enact change. Azzad’s addition to the growing list of members is a testament to ICCR’s universal appeal for collective action on issues of importance to people of all faiths. The two organizations expressed optimism about the opportunities this collaboration affords. In a statement, ICCR Executive Director Laura Berry said: We are delighted to announce that Azzad Asset Management has joined the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR). For more than forty years, ICCR has been a faithful voice for justice, engaging in shareowner advocacy with the goal of encouraging greater corporate responsibility on a host of social and environmental concerns. ICCR members include religious organizations, universities, unions, banks, foundations, asset management companies and other institutional investors who believe companies with more just and sustainable operations are more profitable over the long term. We are pleased to count Azzad Asset Management

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