Year-end investment tips

Year-end investment tips

Just what you need, right? One more time-consuming task to be taken care of between now and the end of the year. But taking a little time to make some strategic saving and investing decisions before December 31 can affect not only your long-term ability to meet your financial goals but also the amount of taxes you’ll owe next April. Look at the forest, not just the trees The first step in your year-end investment planning process should be a review of your overall portfolio. That review can tell you whether you need to rebalance. If one type of investment you own has done well — for example, large-cap stocks — it might now represent a greater percentage of your portfolio than you originally intended. To rebalance, you would sell some of that asset class and use that money to buy other types of investments to bring your overall allocation back to an appropriate balance. Your overall review should also help you decide whether that rebalancing should be done before or after December 31 for tax reasons. Also, make sure your asset allocation is still appropriate for your time horizon and goals. You might consider being a bit more aggressive

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IRA do’s and don’ts for 2019

The end of the year will be here before you know it. Consider making the following IRA tips into New Year’s resolutions and start 2019 on the right foot. NOTE: If you’re interested in starting a traditional 401(k), profit-sharing, or pension plan for year 2018, Azzad’s deadline is December 1). Check IRA and employer plan beneficiary forms. If you got married or had a birth, adoption, or death in the family in 2018, your retirement plan beneficiary forms may need to be updated. Take the new year as a reminder  to look at the beneficiaries on your plans and make sure they’re the ones you intend. Don’t forget contingent beneficiaries. Although they’re often overlooked, contingent beneficiaries are critical. They generally inherit the retirement plan if the primary beneficiary passes away before the retirement account owner. You should always have both a primary and contingent beneficiary named on your retirement accounts. Review 2018 distribution reporting. Most IRS reporting will be done in January 2019 for 2018. Check all Forms 1099-R for accuracy. Mistakes are not uncommon. There still may be time to correct these forms if the mistakes are caught early enough. Make sure you receive your notification about RMDs for the upcoming year. If you’re 70½ or

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10 year-end tax tips for 2017

Here are 10 things to consider as you weigh potential tax moves between now and the end of the year. 1. Set aside time to plan Effective planning requires that you have a good understanding of your current tax situation, as well as a reasonable estimate of how your circumstances might change next year. There’s a real opportunity for tax savings if you’ll be paying taxes at a lower rate in one year than in the other. However, the window for most tax-saving moves closes on December 31, so don’t procrastinate. 2. Defer income to next year Consider opportunities to defer income to 2018, particularly if you think you may be in a lower tax bracket then. For example, you may be able to defer a year-end bonus or delay the collection of business debts, rents, and payments for services. Doing so may enable you to postpone payment of tax on the income until next year. 3. Accelerate deductions You might also look for opportunities to accelerate deductions into the current tax year. If you itemize deductions, making payments for deductible expenses such as medical expenses, qualifying interest, and state taxes before the end of the year, instead of paying

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