
Small Business Owners: What you need to know about CTA

Small Business Owners: What you need to know about CTA

As a small business owner, you may be impacted by a new law called the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). Under CTA, you are required to file a beneficial ownership information report. Understanding CTA, what beneficial ownership information is, and how your business will be impacted will help you be compliant and avoid steep penalties (up to $10,000 and 2 years in prison). What is the Corporate Transparency Act? Congress passed CTA to combat money laundering and other illegal activities. It is meant to prevent “bad actors” from hiding their identities by using shell companies. The CTA requires certain businesses to

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4 Facts About Capital Gains

4 Facts About Capital Gains

When you sell a capital asset, such as an investment or a piece of property, the sale can result in a capital gain or loss. The IRS defines a capital asset as “most property you own for personal use or own as an investment.” Here are four facts you should keep in mind: *This information is not intended to be a substitute for specific, individualized tax advice. We suggest that you discuss your specific tax issues with a qualified tax professional.

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Top 3 Behavioral Mistakes Investors Make

Top 3 Behavioral Mistakes Investors Make

We talk a lot about investor behavior at Azzad. Unlike the ups and downs of markets, it’s one of the few variables investors can control. We’ve identified three common mistakes we’ve seen over the years. We hope you can use them to improve how you approach the markets. Mistake 1: Selective Memory Few of us want to remember a painful event or experience in the past. In terms of investments, we certainly don’t want to remember stock calls that we missed, and especially not ones that proved to be mistakes that ended in losses. The more confident we are, the

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Beware of your local banker

Beware of your local banker

According to CNCBC, near the end of 2023, there was more than $6 trillion in cash sitting in U.S. money market funds. While cash can play a role in a diversified portfolio, historically, cash has not kept pace with inflation. This means that dollars held in cash may lose purchasing power over time as prices rise. Higher interest rates these days have made CDs and other higher-yielding investments more attractive. And banks are aggressively pushing them on their customers. But are they appropriate for halal investors? The answer is no. Here’s why. Islamic principles prohibit conventional bonds and other debt

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